Hypotension: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment


You’ve probably heard a lot about the dangers of high blood pressure, but what about the flip side? Low blood pressure, also known as hypotension, might not make headlines, but it’s a condition that shouldn’t be overlooked.

If you’ve ever stood up too quickly and felt dizzy, you’ve had a brief encounter with hypotension. But for some, this is a persistent issue that can impact daily life. Let’s dive deeper into understanding low blood pressure, its causes, symptoms, and how it can be managed.

What are the types of low blood pressure?

Unpack the complex topic of low blood pressure into its several types. It’s important to know that there isn’t just one category of low blood pressure, but several that you could encounter.

Orthostatic Hypotension (Postural Hypotension): What is it?

This type of low blood pressure typically occurs when you quickly stand up from either a laying down or sitting position. Commonly referred to as postural hypotension, the sudden change in gravity causes blood to rapidly pool to your legs, dropping your blood pressure.

Keep in mind that your blood pressure monitor may show normal readings when you’re seated or laying down, but change when you stand. Clearly, this can pose challenges in daily activities.

Postprandial Hypotension: How Does it Affect You?

Moving on, postprandial hypotension is another type of low blood pressure identified by a significant drop after eating. Your body works hard to digest the food you’ve eaten, leading to decreased blood flow to other areas of your body, which in turn lowers your overall blood pressure.

You may wonder how to lower blood pressure but in this case, you’ll need to find ways to manage the drop, not prevent it. Blood pressure medications may not be as effective in managing postprandial hypotension, so it’s crucial to work with your doctor to develop the best plan.

Neurally Mediated Hypotension: A Closer Look

Next up is neurally mediated hypotension. Unlike the other types, this form of low pressure happens after prolonged standing or during stressful conditions. Instead of rising as it should, your blood pressure falls, often leading to symptoms such as dizziness or fainting.

Again, mastering how to take blood pressure readings during different situations can greatly help in managing this type of low blood pressure.

Multiple System Atrophy with Orthostatic Hypotension (MSA): What Do You Need to Know?

Our discussion won’t be complete without touching on multiple system atrophy with orthostatic hypotension (MSA). This is a rare type of progressive hypotension linked with degenerative neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease.

Due to its complex nature, handling MSA often requires more than knowing how to lower blood pressure; it calls for a comprehensive management plan that deals with the underlying condition.

What is considered a dangerously low blood pressure?

Knowing your numbers is crucial when it comes to maintaining good health. For blood pressure, you have to steer clear from both ends of the spectrum – high and low. While most people seek ways how to lower blood pressure, few share the same concern about it potentially sliding too low. But, what exactly is considered dangerously low for blood pressure?

Typically, a blood pressure reading of 120/80 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) is considered normal. If your blood pressure dips significantly lower than 90/60 mmHg, it’s believed you may have hypotension. But remember, these numbers aren’t set in stone. Depending on your body’s conditions, you may experience symptoms and problems even with slight changes from the norm.

Normal blood pressure120/80 mmHg
Low blood pressure (hypotension)below 90/60 mmHg

What’s paramount is correctly ascertaining your unique physiologic situation. Hence, it’s suggested to own a Blood Pressure Monitor at home. It helps you keep tabs on your blood pressure without frequent trips to the clinic. Moreover, learning how to take blood pressure helps you utilize the device effectively. Here’s a quick guide on how to use a blood pressure monitor:

  1. Sit comfortably and place your arm on a flat surface.
  2. The monitor cuff should be at heart level.
  3. Keep calm and press the ‘start’ button on the monitor.

While it’s rare, some people may need interventions to raise their blood pressure. Blood pressure medications may be geared to control high blood pressure, yet few medicines can aid in increasing low blood pressure as well. In such instances, don’t self-medicate. Instead, consult your medical team and let them decide the appropriate intervention for you.

What are the symptoms of low blood pressure?

Even though having a lower blood pressure reading is usually good, it’s critical not to confuse this with hypotension. So, how do you know if you’re dealing with low blood pressure? You might be asking yourself. Well, your trusty blood pressure monitor will come in handy here, but it’s crucial to understand what other signs and symptoms you must watch out for.

Does Low Blood Pressure Make You Cold?

Indeed, it might! Feeling cold, especially in your extremities (hands and feet), is a fairly common symptom of hypotension. This is because your heart is not pumping blood as efficiently as it should, which can lead to a diminished supply of warm blood reaching your extremities, making them feel cold.

However, be aware that being cold is not a stand-alone symptom. If you’re feeling chilly, don’t immediately assume it’s due to hypotension. It’s vital to check a few other symptoms as well.

Other Common Symptoms

Apart from feeling cold, there are a host of other symptoms you could experience if your blood pressure is low, such as:

  • Dizziness or light-headedness: This might occur especially when standing up abruptly.
  • Fatigue: Though it’s common to feel tired, people with hypotension might feel perpetually drained and struggle with low energy.
  • Nausea: An unsettling sense of sickness can often accompany hypotension.
  • Fainting (syncope): Though not as common, some people might faint due to hypotension.

While it’s essential to keep an eye on your blood pressure chart and understand how to lower blood pressure when necessary, it’s equally important to concurrently be aware if you’re already in a zone where your blood pressure is lower than needed. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, consider contacting your medical team for advice. They might recommend various interventions, alterations in your existing blood pressure medications, or in exceptional cases, even hospitalization.

Offering a Solution

In terms of dealing with the symptoms of low blood pressure, understanding how to take blood pressure at home can help. Own and use a blood pressure monitor regularly, alongside keeping a blood pressure chart to track your readings over time, can provide you peace of mind.

What are the causes of low blood pressure?

Let’s switch gears a bit now and talk about what triggers this medical condition known as hypotension, or low blood pressure. There are several factors to consider, and regular monitoring of your blood pressure at home using a blood pressure monitor is essential.

What Conditions Can Cause Low Blood Pressure?

An array of health conditions can precipitate low blood pressure:

  1. Pregnancy: Blood pressure typically drops during pregnancy as the circulatory system expands.
  2. Heart problems: Conditions such as extremely low heart rate (bradycardia), heart valve problems, heart attack, and heart failure can lead to low blood pressure.
  3. Endocrine problems: Disorders like hypothyroidism and parathyroid disease impact blood pressure levels.
  4. Dehydration: Even mild dehydration can lead to dizziness and fatigue, which are symptoms of low blood pressure.

What Medications Can Cause Low Blood Pressure?

Certain medications may also influence your blood pressure. If you’re charting your blood pressure at home and notice consistent changes after starting a new prescription, it’s wise to inform your healthcare provider. Here are some types of medications that may lower blood pressure:

  • High blood pressure medications: While they aim to regulate blood pressure, they can sometimes lower it too much.
  • Diuretics: Often referred to as “water pills”, these can decrease blood volume, leading to lower blood pressure.
  • Antidepressants and Parkinson’s drugs: Certain medications in these categories can cause a drop in blood pressure.

Remember, your blood pressure monitor, blood pressure chart and routine doctor visits are your best tools for keeping an eye on your blood pressure. But, most importantly, be consistent and proactive in your health monitoring. Recognizing the causes and effects of low blood pressure is an excellent first step towards managing it efficiently.

What are the risks factors of low blood pressure?

As you delve deeper into your understanding of low blood pressure, it’s essential to be aware of the risk factors associated with this condition. By identifying these risks, you can take necessary action to manage your health effectively.

What Causes a Sudden Drop in Blood Pressure?

A sudden drop in blood pressure is most often caused by three key factors:

  1. Prolonged bed rest: Extended periods of immobility can cause a sudden dip in blood pressure upon standing, known as orthostatic hypotension.
  2. Loss of blood: Significant blood loss from an injury or internal bleeding reduces the amount of blood in your body, leading to a severe drop in blood pressure.
  3. Severe infection (septicemia): When an infection enters the bloodstream, it can lead to a life-threatening drop in blood pressure known as septic shock.

Knowing what leads to sudden drops in blood pressure, you’ll better understand how to manage it. Being able to recognize the risks and taking measures to prevent them might decrease the likelihood of experiencing hypotension.

How can Certain Activities Influence Your Blood Pressure?

Aside from sudden drops due to specific conditions or events, certain activities may also play a substantial role in your blood pressure levels. Consider this:

  • Dehydration: Not drinking enough water can cause your blood pressure to plummet. When you’re dehydrated, your body loses more water than it’s taking in, which can result in lower blood volume and decreased blood pressure.
  • Medications: Certain blood pressure medications, diuretics, antidepressants, and even Parkinson’s drugs have been known to potentially lower blood pressure.
  • Checking your blood pressure: Regular monitoring of your blood pressure using a home blood pressure monitor can keep you informed about your health status, while also alerting you to any sudden changes that may occur.

By being aware of all these potential risk factors, and how activities influence your blood pressure, you’re at an advantage in maintaining your health. Self-awareness combined with proactive steps like regular monitoring using a blood pressure monitor and recognizing what can raise or lower your blood pressure can surely help you lead a healthier, safer life.

How is low blood pressure diagnosed?

Before you find out how to lower blood pressure, it’s important to understand how hypotension is diagnosed. This process primarily involves reviewing your medical history, conducting a physical exam, and carrying out blood tests. A blood pressure monitor is also a key tool in this process.

Review of Medical History

Your doctor will go over your medical record, looking for any potential causes of low blood pressure. They’ll ask about your symptoms, check for prescription blood pressure medications that might be affecting your pressure, and review your dietary habits.

Physical Examination

Next, a physical exam will be conducted. The doctor will check your heartbeat, measure your pulse, and use a blood pressure monitor to measure your pressure. Remember, if you choose to monitor your blood pressure at home, understand how to take blood pressure accurately for the most reliable results.

Blood Tests

Blood tests may also be conducted to check for anemia or problems with your endocrine system that could be causing low blood pressure.

Additional Tests

Depending on your symptoms and initial test results, the following additional tests may come into the picture:

  1. EKG (Electrocardiogram): This test checks for issues with your heart’s electrical activity.
  2. Stress test: This tells us how your heart responds to exertion.
  3. Echocardiogram: This is an ultrasound of your heart.
  4. Tilt table test: This observes how your heart and nervous system respond to position changes.

Below is a Table showing the categories of blood pressure based on blood pressure chart:

Blood Pressure CategorySystolic mm Hg (upper number)Diastolic mm Hg (lower number)
NormalLess than 120Less than 80
HypotensionLess than 9060 or below
Hypertension130 or higher80 or higher

Through awareness and the right actions, you can effectively manage and improve your health. Regularly using a blood pressure monitor at home is a meaningful step towards understanding and managing your heart health. Rest assured, hypotension can be well-managed with the proper approach, guidance, and diligence.

What are the treatment methods for low blood pressure?

The treatment methods for low blood pressure widely vary. It’s not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing! Depending on your specific situation, your physician might suggest:

  1. Increasing your salt intake
  2. Drinking more fluids
  3. Using compression stockings

But what if these non-pharmacological interventions don’t work or are inappropriate due to your medical case? Well, that’s where medication comes into play.

What Medications Are Used to Treat Low Blood Pressure?

However, it’s imperative to note that using blood pressure medications is usually the last resort. Physicians often prescribe these when other interventions have failed, or if you’re experiencing severe symptoms.

Midodrine and fludrocortisone are examples of commonly used blood pressure drugs. Midodrine works by constricting your blood vessels to increase blood pressure while fludrocortisone helps your body retain more sodium – a change that can also promote higher blood pressure. They are generally effective, but like all medications, they have potential side effects.

What Are the Side Effects of These Medications?

Midodrine side effects may include:

  • Scalp tingling
  • Itching
  • Goosebumps

On the other hand, fludrocortisone can cause:

  • Headaches
  • Stomach upset
  • Mood changes

It’s essential to monitor your blood pressure if you’re taking these medications. You can use a home blood pressure monitor for this purpose. But also it’s just as important to understand how to take blood pressure accurately to avoid false readings.

Achieving the right balance takes adjustment and regular monitoring. But with careful management, it’s entirely possible to improve low blood pressure. Checking a blood pressure chart regularly can also be part of your journey towards better heart health. So, always keep this advice in your mind while managing your blood pressure.

How to raise blood pressure naturally?

While managing hypotension, you may be wondering how to raise blood pressure naturally without using medication. There are several natural strategies available, and we’ll discuss them here.

Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can sometimes lead to low blood pressure. Start your day with a glass of water and make sure you’re drinking enough fluids throughout the day. While a blood pressure chart can help monitor your levels, proper hydration can help you maintain a healthy reading.

Increase Sodium Intake

Increasing your intake of salt can often help raise your blood pressure. However, remember to consult with your healthcare provider as excessive sodium might be harmful to people with heart disease or other conditions.

Avoid Alcohol and Limit Caffeine

Both alcohol and caffeine can affect blood pressure. While caffeine might temporarily spike your blood pressure, long-term effects are still unclear. Alcohol, on the other hand, can lead to dehydration and potentially exacerbate hypotension.

Regular Exercise

Regular physical activity can help control low blood pressure. You don’t need to run a marathon — simple activities like walking, cycling, or doing yoga can be beneficial.

Eat Small, Frequent Meals

Eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day instead of three large meals can help prevent your blood pressure from dropping.

Using these natural methods alongside a blood pressure monitor, you can manage and track your blood pressure effectively. Remember, if you’re considering changes to your diet or exercise regimen, it’s always advisable to discuss them with your healthcare provider. As you follow these tips, it’s worth noting that everyone’s body responds differently. So, monitor your progress and adjust your strategy as needed to improve your blood pressure health.

What are the dangers of low blood pressure?

When delving into the subject of low blood pressure, it’s essential to understand the associated risks. Numerous dangers can creep in when the blood isn’t pumping vigorously enough to deliver sufficient oxygen and nutrients to your body organs.

When to Call a Doctor?

Low blood pressure might not cause immediate alarm as high blood pressure would. But, that doesn’t mean you should ignore it. If your blood pressure monitor consistently displays a reading lower than the healthy range outlined in your blood pressure chart, it’s time to seek medical intervention.

Be watchful for symptoms like dizziness, fainting, dehydration, blurred vision, nausea, fatigue, and confusion. These are telltale signs of hypotension and should not be taken lightly.

Potential Health Risks

Long term, untreated low blood pressure can lead to serious health conditions. Here’s a rundown:

  1. Insufficient oxygen supply: With inadequate blood pressure, the blood flow to your brain and other vital organs is compromised. This could lead to life-threatening conditions, such as stroke or heart attack.
  2. Shock: In its severe form, low blood pressure could lead to shock – a life-threatening condition that require immediate care.
  3. Falls: Frequent dizziness or fainting spells increase the risk of injuries from falls, particularly in older adults.

How to Maintain Optimal Blood Pressure Levels

While it’s crucial to know how to lower blood pressure if it’s high, those with hypotension should also be proactive in raising their levels to prevent potential risks. Here are effective steps to help maintain a healthy blood pressure:

  • Stay hydrated
  • Consume adequate amounts of salt
  • Regularly monitor your blood pressure using a blood pressure monitor
  • Exercise regularly
  • Limit alcohol and caffeine
  • Eat small, frequent meals

Note: Before starting a new health regime or modifying your diet, consult with your healthcare provider. The key is to adopt practices best suited for your body’s needs and monitor the results regularly for positive outcomes. Regular use of a blood pressure monitor can help you keep track of improvements or changes in your readings. Remember, your health is not to be gambled with – continual assessment and, if necessary, adjustment of strategies is imperative.


You’ve learned about the risks and symptoms of low blood pressure, also known as hypotension. It’s clear that it’s not something to be taken lightly. If left untreated, it can lead to serious health issues like insufficient oxygen supply, shock, and falls. But don’t worry, you’re not powerless. By staying hydrated, eating enough salt, exercising regularly, and limiting alcohol and caffeine, you can maintain optimal blood pressure levels. Remember, it’s crucial to consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes and to monitor your progress. Adjust your strategies as needed. Your health is in your hands. Take control and keep your blood pressure in check.

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